CloudSwipe Demo

An illustration of the future of global value exchange

Give our demo a try

See for yourself why businesses choose CloudSwipe to power payments! Make a real test transaction on a CloudSwipe Payment Form, or register for a guided tour of the CloudSwipe Dashboard.


Payment Page Demo

Want to see what your customers will experience when they pay with CloudSwipe? Make a test payment and see for yourself.


Live Dashboard Demo and Q&A

Join a live online guided tour of the CloudSwipe Dashboard, hosted by our Customer Success team!

Test Information to use

PayPal - Email: | PWD: JbYZ3?K<

Credit Card Test Payment - Number: 4242 4242 4242 4242 | MM: 01 YY: 29 | CVV:123 (All other data can be random)

Start accepting payments with CloudSwipe today!

Create your account for free in minutes and start accepting contactless digital payments.